Math Insight

Sketch evolution of an SIR model

Elementary dynamical systems
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Total points: 3
  1. Consider the SIR model for an infectious disease, \begin{align*} S'(t) &= - SI\\ I'(t) &= SI - 0.5 I \end{align*} where we've set the parameters $\alpha=1$ and $\mu=0.5$. Since $S(t)$ and $I(t)$ represent the fraction of the population that is susceptible and infected, these state variables are always between
    (enter answers in increasing order).
    1. Is the fraction of susceptibles $S(t)$ increasing or decreasing? $S(t)$ is always

      Under what conditions is the fraction of susceptibles not changing? $S(t)$ is unchanging if $S'(t)=$
      . At any instant during which this condition is satisfied, the fraction is susceptibles holding still.

      Let's derive an expression that will tell us for what values of $S(t)$ and $I(t)$ the fraction of susceptible stops changing. For simplicity, we'll drop the $t$ from the state variables, and just write them as $S$ and $I$. Given the above equation for $S'(t)$, the condition in terms of $S$ and $I$ is
      $=0$. You can get rid of the minus sign to simplify the condition to

      Your answer for the fraction of susceptibles being constant (at least for an instant) should be a product of two factors, one involving $S$ and the other $I$. This product can be zero only if one of the factors is zero. Therefore the fraction of susceptibles is holding still if either
      $=0$ or if
      $=0$ (enter answer involving $S$ first).

      We can interpret this condition as meaning that the number of susceptibles will stay the same when either

    2. Under what conditions is the rate of change in the fraction of infectives, $I'(t)$, equal to zero? When $I'(t)=$
      . Plugging in the above expression for $I'(t)$, this condition, in terms of $S$ and $I$, becomes
      $= 0$. Factor this expression to rewrite it as

      Your answer for the fraction of infectives being constant (at least for an instant) should be a product of two factors, one involving $S$ and the other $I$. This product can be zero only if one of the factors is zero. Therefore there is no change in the fraction of infectives when either $S=$
      or if $I=$

      Under what conditions does the fraction of infectives increase? It increases if $I >0$ and
      . (Answer is an inequality involving $S$.)

      Under what conditions does the fraction of infectives decrease? It decreases if $I >0$ and
      . (Answer is an inequality involving $S$.)

    3. Since we have two differential equations, we cannot use a single phase line to describe the system. We need two dimensions to specify the values of the two state variables $S$ and $I$. To represent our two-dimensional state space, we'll use a phase plane, as shown to the right. The two axes of the phase plane are $S$ and $I$. A point $(S,I)$ on the phase plane corresponds to a particular state of the system.
      Feedback from applet
      direction of vectors:
      location of vectors:

      Use the phase plane to summarize your above results. First, draw lines corresponding to the values of $(S$ and $I$ where $S$ is not changing, i.e., where $S'(t)=0$. (Online, use the thick sold blue lines.) You derived two conditions for $S'(t)=0$, each of which is the equation for a line. (On the phase plane, $S$ acts like $x$ and $I$ acts like $y$.) Taken together, these lines are called the $S$ nullcline.

      Next, draw lines corresponding to the values of $(S,I)$ where $I$ is not changing, i.e., where $I'(t)=0$. (Online, use the thin dashed green lines.) The two equations that you derived for the condition $I'(t)=0$ are each an equation for a line. Taken together, these lines are called the $I$ nullcline.

      The last step is to draw vector (arrows) to represent whether $S$ is increasing or decreasing and whether $I$ is increasing or decreasing. A rightward pointing vector indicates $S$ is increasing and a leftward pointing vector indicates $S$ is decreasing (since $S$ is acting like $x$). A upward pointing vector indicates $I$ is increasing and a downward pointing vector indicates $I$ is decreasing (since $I$ is acting like $y$.) Therefore, a vector pointing downward and to the right indicates that, in that region of the phase plane, $S$ is decreasing while $I$ is increasing.

      Since we only care about physical values of $S$ and $I$ (in particular, we can ignore negative values), the nullclines divide the phase plane into two regions. Draw a vector in each of those to regions indicating whether $S$ and $I$ are increasing or decreasing.

  2. For the same SIR model, we will use Forward Euler with a time step of $\Delta t=3$ to sketch the solution with the initial conditions $S(0)=0.9$ and $I(0)=0.1$, i.e., when starting with 10% of the people infected.
    1. We are going to create two plots, one of $I$ versus $t$ and another of $S$ versus $t$, where we'll plot the evolution of the disease for the first 9 units of time. Begin by drawing the initial condition these axes.
      Feedback from applet
      values of solution 1:
      values of solution 2:
    2. Given the initial conditions, calculate the derivatives $S'(0)$ and $I'(0)$. $S'(0) =$
      , $I'(0)= $

      Is the infection increasing or decreasing?
      Draw the lines with these slopes from the initial conditions, above.

    3. Estimate $S(3)$ as $S(0) + S'(0)\Delta t$ and $I(3)$ as $I(0) + I'(0)\Delta t$, where $\Delta t=3$. (This is a Forward Euler step.) $S(3) \approx$
      , $I(3) \approx$
      . Plot the results on your above graphs. The new points should be along the lines you drew.
    4. Estimate the slopes $S'(3)$ and $I'(3)$ by plugging in your values for $I(3)$ and $S(3)$ into the differential equation. $S'(3) \approx$
      , $I'(3) \approx$

      Take another Forward Euler step with $\Delta t=3$ to estimate $S(6)$ and $I(6)$, and plot the results on your graphs. (Use the formulas $S(6)=S(3)+S'(3)\Delta t$ and $I(6)=I(3)+I'(3)\Delta t$.) $S(6) \approx$
      , $I(6) \approx$

    5. Estimate the slopes $S'(6)$ and $I'(6)$ by plugging in your values for $I(6)$ and $S(6)$ into the differential equation. $S'(6) \approx$
      , $I'(6) \approx$
    6. Is there anything significantly different about the derivatives at time $t=6$ than at previous times?
      What does this mean about the evolution of the disease?
      If one had a single autonomous differential equation, is it possible to see such a change in the behavior of a state variable like $I(t)$?
    7. Take another Forward Euler step to approximate the values of $S(9)$ and $I(9)$ and add them to your graphs. $S(9) \approx$
      , $I(9) \approx$

  3. We will replot the Forward Euler solution on the phase plane, shown again here.
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    number of points:
    number of steps:
    values of solution:
    1. The first step is to rewrite the above values you calculated, $S(3)$, $I(3)$, $S(6)$, $I(6)$, $S(9)$, and $I(9)$, as points of the form $(S,I)$. The initial condition is the point $(S(0),I(0)) = (0.9,0.1)$. Rewrite the remainder of values as points.


      $(S(6),I(6))= $

      $(S(9),I(9)) =$

    2. Plot an initial condition point on the above phase plane at the coordinates $(S(0),I(0)) = (0.9,0.1)$. Plot three points based on the values you calculated above: $(S(3),I(3))$, $(S(6),I(6))$ and $(S(9),I(9))$.
    3. At each of those four points, you also know the rates of change $S'(t)$ and $I'(t)$. For example, you should have calculated that $S'(0)=-0.09$ and $I'(0)=0.04$. The solution $(S(t),I(t))$, starting at $(S(0),I(0))$ must be moving leftward and upward (northwest), angling more leftward than upward. Draw an arrow at the point $(S(0),I(0))= (0.9,0.1)$ angling upward and to the left. (The arrow should be pointing toward the second point $(I(3),S(3))$ you drew above.) Repeat this process, drawing arrows corresponding to the direction of movement at each of the four points you drew in the phase plane. These arrows are called a vector field. (A vector is an arrow.)
    4. Connect the four points in the phase plane with lines, showing the movement of the state variables $S(t)$ and $I(t)$ from time $t=0$ to $t=9$. The lines should correspond to the vectors you drew above.
    5. You can illustrate what would happen if you had different initial conditions by drawing vectors at different points $(S,I)$. Plot vectors at $(S,I)=(0.2,0.4)$, $(S,I)=(0.8,0.2)$, $(S,I)=(0.3,0.1)$, $(S,I)=(0.5,0.3)$, and $(S,I)=(1,0)$. For at each point, plug in the values of $I$ and $S$ into the differential equations to determine the direction of movement. (If both $S'(t)$ and $I'(t)$ are zero, just draw a point with no arrow.)
    6. If $S=0.5$, you should be on one of the nullclines you drew above. Redraw the nullclines on this phase plane. If $S=0.5$, what direction should the vectors point (assuming $I>0$)?