Math Insight

Dynamics of competition, more cases

Math 2241, Spring 2023
ID #:
Due date: March 1, 2023, 11:59 p.m.
Table/group #:
Group members:
Total points: 1
  1. We can generalize the dynamics of competition to allow variation in the strength of competition. If $p_1$ is the population size of species 1 and $p_2$ is the population size of species 2, then we can model their dynamics as \begin{align*} \diff{p_1}{t} & = r_1 p_1 \left(1-\frac{p_1+\alpha_{12}p_2}{ K_1 }\right)\\ \diff{p_2}{t} & = r_2 p_2 \left(1-\frac{p_2+\alpha_{21}p_1}{ K_2 }\right), \end{align*} where $r_1$ and $r_2$ are the low-density growth rates of population 1 and 2, and $K_1$ and $K_2$ are their carrying capacities. The new quantities are the parameters $\alpha_{12}$ and $\alpha_{21}$ ($\alpha$ is the Greek letter “alpha”), which describe the strengths of the competition. The quantity $\alpha_{12}$ captures how each individual from species 2 decreases the number of species 1 that the ecosystem can support. Similarly, $\alpha_{21}$ captures how many fewer of species 2 can be sustained for each individual from species 1. Previously, we considered the case where $\alpha_{12}=\alpha_{21}=1$ (and we used $a$ and $b$ rather $p_1$ and $p_2$ for the population sizes).

    Let's examine the case where the competition is relatively weak, i.e., where $\alpha_{12}=\alpha_{21}=\frac{1}{2}$. To be concrete, we'll set $r_1=0.3$, $r_2=0.2$, $K_1=1500$, and $K_2=1200$ so that the competition model becomes \begin{align*} \diff{p_1}{t} & = 0.3 p_1 \left(1-\frac{p_1+\frac{1}{2}p_2}{ 1500 }\right)\\ \diff{p_2}{t} & = 0.2 p_2 \left(1-\frac{p_2+\frac{1}{2}p_1}{ 1200 }\right). \end{align*}

    1. Calculate the nullclines. As before, each nullcline will be composed of two linear pieces.

      The $p_1$-nullcline:


      The $p_2$-nullcline:


      (Although not necessary here, it will be easier to graph in the next step if you simplify the nullclines equations as much as possible.)

    2. Graph the nullclines with the following phase plane applet. (Use the thick solid blue lines for the $p_1$-nullcline and the thin dashed green lines for the $p_2$-nullcline.)

      Feedback from applet
      Step 1: nullclines:
      Step 2: equilibria:
      Step 2: number of equilibria:
      Step 3: vector directions in regions:
      Step 3: vector locations in regions:
      Step 4: vector directions on nullclines:
      Step 4: vector locations on nullclines:
      Step 5: initial condition:
      Step 5: solution trajectory end point:
      Step 5: solution trajectory follows vector field:
    3. Graph the equilibria using the above phase plane applet. Set the step counter to 2, increase $n_e$ to reveal points for the equilibria, and move them to the correct locations. The equilibria are:

      (Enter the equilibria in any order, separated by commas, such as (1,3),(2,4),(5,6).)

    4. Use the above phase plane applet to sketch direction vectors:

      1. in each region the phase plane separated by the nullclines (include only the biologically plausible quadratic of the phase plane), and
      2. and on each piece of each nullcline, as divided by the opposite nullcline (doing this separately for each line of the nullclines, include only the biologically plausible quadrant of the phase plane).

      Set the step to 3 to reveal vectors for each region of the phase plane. Move one vector to each region and set the corresponding general direction of each vector. Then, set the step counter to 4 to reveal vectors for each segment of the nullclines. Move one vector to each piece of the nullcline and set the corresponding general direction of each vector.

    5. Imagine that we start that species 2 is living alone and there are no individuals from species 1, i.e., that $p_1(0) =$
      . If we start with no individuals from species 1, what do we know must be true about $\diff{p_1}{t}$?
      $\diff{p_1}{t} =$
      Therefore, $p_1(t)$ must not be changing, and we can conclude that for all time, $p_1(t) =$

      In this case, what happens to population 2? Since $p_1$ drops out from the equation, the dynamics for $p_2(t)$ becomes exactly the logistic equation with carrying capacity $K_2=$
      . Since we are assuming that we have some individuals in population 2, i.e., that $p_2(0) \gt 0$, what will happen to the population size of species 2 as time increases? $p_2(t)$ will approach

    6. Imagine that a small number of species 1 are introduced. One question is whether or not species 1 can invade the environment where species 2 is already established. Use the phase plane applet to sketch the solution for an initial condition where species 2 is well established and species 1 has just a small population. Use $p_2(0) = 700$ and $p_1(0)=50$.

      In the applet, change the step counter to 5, move the large green point to the initial condition and move the small cyan point so that the segment between them follows the general direction of the vector in the corresponding region. Increase nsegs to reveal most segments so that you continue to draw the solution trajectory $(p_1(t),p_2(t))$. When the solution hits the $p_2$-nullcline, it must be moving straight
      and then change directions (as it is in a region with a different representative direction vector). Think about if the solution can cross another nullcline and where it must go. End the trajectory at the point where the solution must be after a long time.

      Translate your results to plots of $p_1$ and $p_2$ versus time:

      Feedback from applet
      correct shapes:
      final values:
      initial conditions:

      Was species 1 able to successfully invade species 2?

    7. Now, imagine the reverse situation. Imagine that species 1 has been around for awhile and then species 2 attempts to invade. Use the phase plane to determine what a solution must look like for the initial condition of $p_1(0)=1300$ and $p_2(0)=50$.

      Since the above phase plane applet does not have the capability to draw two trajectories, you can either draw the trajectory $(p_1(t),p_2(t))$ on paper or imagine what it must look like. Then, translate your results to plots of $p_1(t)$ and $p_2(t)$ versus time:

      Feedback from applet
      correct shapes:
      final values:
      initial conditions:

      Was species 2 able to successfully invade species 1?

      Did the final population sizes different depending on which species was present first?

      These results are typical for the situation where the competition isn't too strong, i.e., the $\alpha_{12}$ and $\alpha_{21}$ aren't too large. In this case, the system favors as coexistence state, where both species persist and share the environment.

  2. We now increase the strength of competition between the species to $\alpha_{12}=\alpha_{21}=2$. We also increase the carrying capacities to $K_1=2400$, and $K_2=3000$. The resulting competition equations become \begin{align*} \diff{p_1}{t} & = 0.3 p_1 \left(1-\frac{p_1+2p_2}{ 2400 }\right)\\ \diff{p_2}{t} & = 0.2 p_2 \left(1-\frac{p_2+2p_1}{ 3000 }\right). \end{align*}
    1. Calculate the nullclines.

      The $p_1$-nullcline:


      The $p_2$-nullcline:


    2. Graph the nullclines with the following phase plane applet. (Use the thick solid blue lines for the $p_1$-nullcline and the thin dashed green lines for the $p_2$-nullcline.)

      Feedback from applet
      Step 1: nullclines:
      Step 2: equilibria:
      Step 2: number of equilibria:
      Step 3: vector directions in regions:
      Step 3: vector locations in regions:
      Step 4: vector directions on nullclines:
      Step 4: vector locations on nullclines:
      Step 5: initial condition:
      Step 5: solution trajectory end point:
      Step 5: solution trajectory follows vector field:
    3. Graph the equilibria using the above phase plane applet. Set the step counter to 2, increase $n_e$ to reveal points for the equilibria, and move them to the correct locations. The equilibria are:

      (Enter the equilibria in any order, separated by commas, such as (1,3),(2,4),(5,6).)

    4. Use the above phase plane applet to sketch direction vectors:

      1. in each region the phase plane separated by the nullclines (include only the biologically plausible quadratic of the phase plane), and
      2. and on each piece of each nullcline, as divided by the opposite nullcline (doing this separately for each line of the nullclines, include only the biologically plausible quadrant of the phase plane).

      Set the step to 3 to reveal vectors for each region of the phase plane. Move one vector to each region and set the corresponding general direction of each vector. Then, set the step counter to 4 to reveal vectors for each segment of the nullclines. Move one vector to each piece of the nullcline and set the corresponding general direction of each vector.

    5. We return to the question of whether or not species 1 can invade the environment where species 2 is already established. Use the phase plane applet to sketch the solution for an initial condition where species 2 is well established and species 1 has just a small population. Use $p_2(0) = 700$ and $p_1(0)=50$.

      In the applet, change the step counter to 5, move the large green point to the initial condition and move the small cyan point so that the segment between them follows the general direction of the vector in the corresponding region. Increase nsegs to reveal most segments so that you continue to draw the solution trajectory $(p_1(t),p_2(t))$. When the solution hits the $p_1$-nullcline, it must be moving straight
      and then change directions (as it is in a region with a different representative direction vector). Think about if the solution can cross another nullcline and where it must go. End the trajectory at the point where the solution must be after a long time.

      Translate your results to plots of $p_1$ and $p_2$ versus time:

      Feedback from applet
      correct shapes:
      final values:
      initial conditions:

      Was species 1 able to successfully invade species 2?

    6. Now, imagine the reverse situation. Imagine that species 1 has been around for awhile and then species 2 attempts to invade. Use the phase plane to determine what a solution must look like for the initial condition of $p_1(0)=1300$ and $p_2(0)=50$.

      Since the above phase plane applet does not have the capability to draw two trajectories, you can either draw the trajectory $(p_1(t),p_2(t))$ on paper or imagine what it must look like. Then, translate your results to plots of $p_1(t)$ and $p_2(t)$ versus time:

      Feedback from applet
      correct shapes:
      final values:
      initial conditions:

      Was species 2 able to successfully invade species 1?

      Did the final population sizes different depending on which species was present first?

      These results are typical for the situation where the competition is mutually strong, i.e., the $\alpha_{12}$ and $\alpha_{21}$ are large. In this case, either species could win. This condition can be referred to as founder control, as the winner tends to be the species that started with larger population size.

    7. For this model, we've looked at easy initial conditions, i.e., conditions where one of the population sizes is small. But, what would happen if both population sizes are small or of similar size? In that case, the direction arrows that you've drawn in the phase plane don't give a clear answers. For example, if we started with 50 individuals of each species, $p_1(0)=50$ and $p_2(0)=50$, what would happen? Is it possible that both species could coexist together? Could the system approach the middle equilibrium?

      To answer this question, we need to learn how to analyze equilibria, in particular how to analyze the stability of equilibria. We need to develop more mathematical tools to understand the behavior of the system.

      In the mean time, execute the R script run_competition.R and then simulate the competition dynamical system with the run_competition command. (We assume that you already have the R package deSolve installed on your computer.) You can try different initial conditions. For example, to simulate with the initial condition $p_1(0)=50$ and $p_2(0)=700$, you can execute the command:
      run_competition(r1=0.3, r2=0.2, K1=2400, K2=3000, a12=2, a21=2, p10=50, p20=700)
      to confirm the results obtained above.

      If you simulate with the initial condition $p_1(0)=p_2(0)=50$, which population wins?
      If you simulate with the initial condition $p_1(0)=p_2(0)=150$, who wins the competition?
      Can you find an initial condition (with the strong competition parameters we have here) where the species coexist, i.e., where neither population size tends to zero as $t$ increases?