An equilibrium is stable if, when you start near (but not exactly on) the equilibrium, the solution moves toward the equilibrium (or at least doesn't move away). On the other hand, an equilibrium is unstable if, when you start near (but not exactly on) the equilibrium, the solution moves away from the equilibrium.
If you start cobwebbing near the equilibrium and the trajectory moves toward the equilibrium, then you can conclude that the equilibrium is stable. If, no matter how close you start to the equilibrium, the trajectory moves away from the equilibrium, then you can conclude that the equilibrium is unstable.
It's probably quicker to cobweb this one by hand, but if you like, you can use the applet to cobweb. (The applet is not graded.) It will tell you if the points are the right place but it doesn't affect your score. The applet only lets you cobweb from one initial condition at a time.
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